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Visual artist, Neach-ealain

Welcome to the website for Mairi Gillies, a Scottish visual artist whose work spans between the studio, classroom, exhibition spaces and the living landscape.

Is mise Màiri NicGillÌosa. Tha mi nam neach-ealain agus 's e bana-Ghàidheal na Galltachd a th' annam. Tha dàimh làidir agam ris a' Ghàidhealtachd agus tha mi a' fuireachd ann an Leòdhas.

I am Mairi Gillies. I am an artist and a Gaelic woman from the Lowlands of Scotland. I have strong sense of home in the Gaeltachd and I currently live on the Isle of Lewis.


Exploring a sense of place

©2020 by Mairi Gillies. Proudly created with

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